Friday, 25 March 2011

Recovery blips

The road to recovery with any illness is never a smooth one, there will always be bumps along the way. I've had days where I've just felt so frustrated and fed up with feeling ill and I can't see a light at the end of the tunnel, especially if it follows a few 'good days'.
I am naturally a positive person but there has been days where I just couldn't do it, however I want to reassure you if you are going through this that something deep inside does kick in and even if it lasts for 2 or 3 days (even longer) you do start to come out the other side.
The important things to remember are to take baby steps, don't push yourself and learn to recognise when enough is enough. The brilliant book by Dr Tim Cantopher that I mentioned in an earlier post will talk you through this in more detail and how you can minimise these blips.

We had a very tragic loss in our family in January when my Brother-in-law's Wife (and she was a good friend of mine) sadly died after a very short illness, I was fine for a few days, being strong for my Husband but when I started to feel bad, I just went with it. I took a downtown for 2 weeks but I accepted that that was the situation and knew I'd eventually come out the other side. This is an extreme example because naturally something like this will effect everyone and in different ways too but I just wanted to highlight that no matter what the cause, when you are taking steps to recover and you have a setback, you will start moving forward again.

I often describe my recovery as 1 step forward and 2 steps back, but that is still OK, it's just slow, but I promise that if you want to, you will get there.

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